The Multifamily Real Estate Approach

Multifamily Real Estate

What if you’re the first home you buy paid for itself each month? It’s very possible to qualify for an FHA loan for your first home AND acquire a rental property at the same time.

The Multifamily Real Estate approach means you’re securing a property, living in it, and renting the other units out to tenants. Once you qualify for a property that passes the self sufficiency test you’re well on your way.

Only applies for 3 & 4 unit properties.

Can the property completely pay for itself if you’re no longer living there.

Business Credit

Even though most FHA loans want your property to be move-in ready, there still exists the reality that you’ll need funding for some key elements along the way. You’ll need capital available to make landlord-type provisions for the property. We’d suggest business funding.

Creating a business entity specifically for managing this property’s interests is a great move. You’ll then want to establish business credit and with the steps below you can have your business capitalized within a month. Walk into any national bank with the following tasks taken care of and you should be looking getting approved same day for at least a $10,000 credit card*.

We’d also suggest opening at least 5 total banks accounts to cover your business considerations. Separate banks may seem like overkill but it’ll start to make sense after you’ve secured least $10,000 in business capital from each institution. It’s also good practice to have diversified banking for separation of concerns.

  • Bank for depositing Income
  • Bank for holding Profits
  • Bank for Marketing expenses
  • Bank for Operations
  • Bank for Taxes


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